Join us for Advent at EBC!

Advent is a time in which we prepare our hearts to celebrate the birth of our Savior, Jesus Christ.  We invite you to join us this Advent season for our Sunday services and upcoming events.  Advent is a wonderful time to reconnect to the local church, and we pray you would consider joining us at EBC.

SUNDAYS | 9:00 & 10:30AM

Advent Upcoming Events Schedule

December 24, 4 pm - Christmas Eve Service
December 25, 10:30 am - Christmas Day Sunday Service
December 25, 10:30 am – Birthday Party for Jesus (ages 3 to 5)

For more details about upcoming events,
see our events page!

Advent Resources

Advent Messages

Week 1

The Identity of God

Exodus 3:11-15

Week 2

The Creativity of God

John 1:1-3

Week 3

The Majesty of God

Isaiah 40:25-28

Week 4

The Providence of God

Psalm 57